"America The Beautiful" by Freddy Harris III

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I can think of no better way to celebrate this year's Fourth of July than with Freddie Harris III's sweet calypso version of "America The Beautiful".Well done, Freddie. Very nice.Happy Fourth Of July, everyone !

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  • GHOST: I have read a few books by Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop, a reknowned Senegalese scholar in Egyptology, anthropology, physics and linguistics. In responding to the origins, race (or ethnicity) of the Kemites (Ancient Egyptians) I will defer to, and present here, excerpts from Afrocentric Egyptologist Anthony T Browder's 2008 article: Three Falsehoods (Lies That Won't Go Away).


    1:) The indigenous name for Egypt is Kemet, a word that is translated from medu netcher (hieroglyphics) which literally means, “the city, town or country of the blacks”... Ancient paintings and carvings of the “Kemites” depict them as virtually indistinguishable from Nubians (ancient or modern). Paleontologists have found that the blood groupings and skeletal remains of mummies have more in common with ancient and modern Africans than their European or Asian counterparts.

    2:) Ancient Egypt was an indigenous African civilization founded by “black” Africans who migrated northward, down the Nile, from Nubia and Ethiopia.The leadership of Egypt always came from the south and...the
    rulers responsible for founding the culture that would sustain the nation for thousands of years were “black” Africans.

    3:) Some of the strongest evidence documenting the African origins of the Kemites was presented by two African Egyptologists, Drs. Cheikh Anta Diop and Theophile Obenga, at the Cairo Symposium in 1974. This gathering of over 20 international Egyptologists was sponsored by UNESCO and was held in Cairo, Egypt. One of the primary topics of discussion was the race of the ancient Egyptians. The presentations by Diop and Obenga provided 11 categories of evidence to support the thesis that the ancient Egyptians were indigenous “black” Africans. Their
    research showed that the language and cultural patterns of the ancient Kemites was consistent with that found in traditional societies in modern West Africa.

    4:)  Relying on his scientific acumen, Diop developed a “melanin dosage test” which allowed him to prove, once and for all, the racial identity of the Ancient Egyptians. This relatively simple test provided the means by which one could determine the phenotype of the royal mummies by examining the melanin content present within their skin.

    5:)The general consensus reached at the Cairo Symposium was that there was no evidence that the ancient Egyptians were white and that it... (Egypt or Kemet)...was peopled by people from “the Great Lakes region in inner-equatorial Africa.” Unfortunately, news of the symposium has been virtually ignored by academia and the media but its findings were chronicled by UNESCO in a 1978 publication entitled, Ancient
    Civilizations of Africa, Vol. II.

    6:)   Despite the claims of “Eurocentric Egyptologists,” the historical evidence (including that of the Cairo Symposium) strongly suggests that blacks ruled Kemet from Dynasties 1-12 (3150 until 1763 B.C.E.), Dynasties 18-20 (1550 until 1170 B.C.E.), Dynasty 25 (750 until 675 B.C.E), and Dynasty 30 (380 until 343
    B.C.E.). Any competent historian would know that Egypt was conquered by the Greeks in 332 B.C.E. and Cleopatra VII (there were eight in total) was a descendent of Kemetic and Greek admixture and would probably have been classified as colored in the nineteenth century American south.

  • Terry, you are well-informed. Thanks for sharing these facts, with the WST membership. Now, tell them, what did Cheikh Anta Diop's multidisciplinary research prove about the origins of the Kemites (Ancient Egyptians), as to which part of the African continent they came from, and their racial or ethnic makeup, as well as when they became "mixed", and started looking more like Cleopatra.  Thanks again, colleague. Hotep.


  • Ghost: In the Ancient Egyptian (Kemet) belief & philosophy systems numbers had great significance and representations. the number 7, for example, represented seven virtues, seven deadly sins, liberal arts, etc.

    The number 13 represented positive beliefs in resurrection, transformation and new life, part of the tenet of the Kemet Secret Brotherhood.....the precursor of European & USA Freemasons (or Masons), for whom 13 represents liberty (freedom), leadership (to rule) and the pursuit of happiness.

    So I'll list a few Kemet - American revolution connections.

    13 colonies (incidental ??). In 1776, note 6+7=13 (trivial ??).

    Boston Tea Party organizers were Freemasons, their beliefs based on Kemet (Ancient Egyptian) philosophy.

    The "Founding Fathers'" were Freemasons and therefore (whether they knew it or not) adopted (or adapted) the Ancient Egyptian (Kemet) beliefs.

    The 4 July, 1776 Declaration of Independence is 13 days after the June 21 begining of the Summer Solstice on June 21 (Tropic of Cancer ...an Ancient Egyptian (Kemet) astrological sign). So 13, from Kemet belief, now adopted by US "Founding Father" Freemasons, heralded a resurection of America from British colonialism...new life. 

  • Ghost, Haiti's participation in  America's victory over the British is not well publicised (at least not in US media).

    Over 500 "colored" Haitians, the largest unit of African descent, fought in America's revolutionary war (1775-1783). 

    On October 9, 1779, a force Haitian gens de couleur libre (free men of color) joined American colonists and French troops in an unsuccessful push to drive the British from Savannah, Georgia.

    Another unit of Haitians (of African descent) joined the French & Spanish attacks on the British in Pensacola, Florida.

    Eight years later, (1791- 1804) Haitians of African descent (slaves, moroons, colored) fought for, and won, their Independence from colonial France......sans US help (understandibly).

    Please enlighten me re the Kemmet connection.


  • While ah waitin' for it to load, what is the connection with the American Revolution and Kemmet (Ancient Egypt), and how is the Caribbean island of Haiti, tied into America's victory over the British? Now back to some good listening...Freddie, keep doing your thang bwoi! Respect.


  • Terry,

              You know your US History. Any time I ask that question 1776 always come up. The key word is declared, not gained. If America had lost to the British, well for one thing we would not have had pan today. (lol)

    Thanks again Terry.

  • Ian, Independence was "declared" in 1776. However, after 8 years Revolutionary War (or War of Independence)(1775 to1783), America gained its Independence in 1783 (Treaty Of Paris).

  • Good playing Mr. Harris, the youngest American Pan Soloist, and happy 4th of July to all Trinidad and Tobago Nationals, Natralized, Students, The ones who were once like us and all Americans.

    As always my love for trivia; What year did America gained its Independence?

    (Hint) Please do not state 1776. (lol)

  • What a beautiful arrangement of the tune . He should be proud to play that tune to celebrate the 4th of JUly.

  • I just knew you would post something unique. I love the flag too. Quite creative!!

    Have a Great Fourth. Emancipation Day (today) for me.


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