Andre Tanker "Linstead Market" (1965)

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The late Andre Michael Tanker (September 25, 1941 -Woodbrook, Port of Spain – February 28, 2003) was one of the most original, versatile and influential musicians to emerge in Trinidad and Tobago in the nineteen sixties.Andre grew up near the Invaders pan yard, and his first musical instrument was a pan given to him by the legendary panist Ellie Mannette at the age of seven, and his music took off from there.Many of us were introduced Andre's music in the nineteen sixties when, bucking the trend of guitar driven combos, he chose instead to lead a combo in which the featured instrument was a vibraphone.His cultural contributions continued until his death, and his musical contributions included such hits as the popular "Ben Lion " from 2004, which featured the group "Three Canal".From the 1965 Esso promotional album "Tiger Goes Calypso", here is the Andre Tanker Combo, and the Jamaican folk song "Linstead Market".This popular hit featured the versatile Andre Tanker on Vibraphone.

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  • Thanks for this. I enjoy listening to this over and over. Calssic recording indeed.

  • Hi Glenroy:

    You are doing a tremendous in keeping our Trini culture alive. Together we aspire, together we achieve.


    Keep up the exceptionally wonderful work you are doing in this arena.


    Happy 50th anniversary of T & T Independence.

  • What about "Tina, girl love you bad, bad, bad, ... Tina ... Tina ...". I would like to hear that one. Andre Tanker's music seems to have been influnced by John 'Buddy' Williams; probably its a Woodbrook sound.

  • Andre Tanka was one of the first groups to work at the Trinidad Hilton, he worked there for quite some time, had it not been for that job I think there would be more recordings of his music.

  • Many thanks, again, Glenroy ... keep them coming.


  • Linstead is a town in Jamaica and this song about a vendor's experience at the famous market there dates back to the early 1900s. Mento (Jamaican Calypso), preceeded Ska and Rock Steady.

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