Andy Akiho 016: "the rAy's end": Andie Springer: Andy Kozar (2014-08-18)

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Video in Memory of Andi Hemmenway, Viola. iTunes Link: • Website: Sheet Music: Subscribe to Channel: Andie Springer, Andy Kozar & Andy Akiho perform "the rAy's end" Composed in 2008 by Andy Akiho. Directed & Edited by Quincy Ledbetter for the Bang Bang Theory Contact: Camera: Blackmagic Cinema Camera Audio Engineered, Mixed & Mastered by Sean Dixon The Andes Trio: Andie Springer, Violin Andy Kozar, Trumpet Andy Akiho, Steel Pan New York, NY - Chinatown August 18, 2014

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  • Pan is able to stand proudly amongst other musical instruments.

    What would Boysie 'MusselRat' Roach, and other pioneers think?

    They would be so so proud, and so should Trinidad for this gift

    to the world. 

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