Bertie Marshall - The Steel Pan Visionary - by Dalton Narine

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A film on acclaimed steelpan tuner, inventor Bertie Marshall by Dalton Narine. click for more

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  • Brenda, it was in response to a Guardian article.
  • Thank you Dalton.

  • Watching this outstanding video once again, one of the things that struck me was at the end when Bertie said that when he asked for financial aid with his experiments, Dr Eric Williams asked him if he expected him to spend the peoples money on "stupid steelband".

    Many of us Trinidadians who grew up in the sixties thought that Dr Williams was a gifted visionary, so when I head that, it highlighted the odds against the development of the steelband in the land of its creation.

    I'm sure that such opinions persist among the powerful in T&T to this day, and I am convinced that if that is the case, further development of the artform will occur not in the land of its creation , but elsewhere.

    Therefore, future benefits will be reaped by others, not by the ones who shed blood, sweat and tears in its creation, people like Bertie Marshall and others..

    Incidentally, I posted a similar comment in the Trinidad Guardian but it was never published.

    I guess they didn't like my negative comment about the beloved "Doctor".but I didn't mean any disrespect to his memory.

    I was just stating the facts.

  • Mr. Narine,

    On behalf of the Power Stars Steel Orchestra, thank you for this epic documentary of this global musical icon for all recorded for all archival history.


    Gregory M. Lindsay

    Chairman/ Manager - Power Stars Steel Orchestra

  • May he rest in peace. A video to be archived...thank you!
  • Mr Dalton Narine,God Bless.

  • always  know you were a GENIUS BERTIE MARSHALL thank you


  • I think that Dalton Narine made a great and is still making a great contribution to our Pan Culture as a Player - Historian and last but not least as a journalist. He has conducted some of the most memorable interviews on Pan. We give thanks to Dalton!

  • Ah second dat. De man is ah genius. Dalton keep up the good work. Izapanlover.

  • Someone once questioned Dalton Narine's contributions to pan.
    This excellent documentary about the legendary panist, arranger and tuner Bertie Marshall is an example of the type of work Dalton has done for pan, and for Trinidad's culture.
    Thank you Bertie Marshall.
    Thank you Dalton Narine.
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