Black Stalin's "Play One"; Crazy's "Guadeloupe Chick" by Solo Harmonites.(1979)

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Two gems from Solo Harmonite's 1979 album "Harmonites at their best".
This album wes produced and distributed by the band, and arranged by their legendary arranger, Earl Rodney

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  • The reason we could have change songs in 73 was because we use to have 10 well arranged songs only knowing them by numbers not even knowing the titles of the songs. Great days. I played from 73 to 93 on the stage side.



  • "Play One".. dedicated to the legendary Pat Bishop.
  • Kenneth Guppy, This is why many believe that the steelband progress has stagnated. (The famous "Pan is dead " quote comes to mind).


    Several of the top bands of the sixties and seventies produced multiple record albums in that era.


    Solo for instance put out a high quality,well arranged, well played record album consisting of about ten tunes for almost every year of the nineteen seventies.


    Other bands of that era like Desperadoes, All Stars, Silver Stars, Invaders, Cavaliers and Starlift were also making quality records.

    I have two questions for this forum :

    What happened?


    Where is the progress?

  • This was the last carnival season album that Solo Harmonites did. i remember playing on 5 of them 1974..75..76..78 & 79 we didn't record any for 1977 carnival....but made an album later that year from a live concert @ queens hall.
  • anyone have music from ebonites and wyoming combo
  • In 1973 when Solo Harmonites change from My Connie To Steel & Brass I thought  they won the panorama.
  • How come nobody mention George  Phillips Solo Harmonites Flag Waver .


  • Good blend of music. The Pans were well tuned and the rhythm was real cool.These tunes bring back memories to me because these were tunes played also in St.Vincent by our steelbands.
  • Glenroy, can you put your hands on Penny Lane, Starlift?
  • Keep the gems coming. Really enjoying these old tunes.
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