Blue Boy's "Lucy in the Savannah" by Pandemoniun (1984)

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A Len "Boogsie" Sharpe arrangement from Panorama Finals 1984.Boogsie arranged for five bands that year, appearing in both categories (Large and traditional bands)

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  • just want to give a quick thank you to you Mr Joseph.  your archives are on point and clean.  I have quantity, but unfortunately, quality lacks.  Your contribution to T&T culture is incredible.  keep up the good work!
  •   -  this is what I got.  unfortunately, a horrible vcr ate the tape...and overplaying from an addicted child (that's me!).  I would do anything for a clean copy of that entire Panorama.
  • Somehow, the source tape didn't include Exodus(a taping error), which is too bad, since I've never heard their version of Lucy.

    Incidentally, isn't it interesting that though several bands played Lucy that night, none were able to break in to the top four positions?

  • does anyone have a recording of Exodus playing this tune in the finals?  I know they played in position no 1 that year.  I have an old video but its badly damaged.  Exodus' arrangement still makes my pores raise...
  • Nice song , Exodus played that same tune
  • To be happy!Coming and going..........
  • Pandemonium had some crack shot players. They will rise again
  • Thanks again Glenroy, for bringing back the good ones from the eighties 80's. This was a good one by Boogsie when his hands were filled with multiple bands for the Panorama. I think that only Boogsie has this distinction of arrangeing for so many bands in the same year. Thanks again Glen. I am working on what you told me.
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