CALYPSOCIATION Steelband - Trini to the bones

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Interpretation of TRINI 2 D BONES of Calypsociation Steelband Paris

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  • Yes, our music is universal; captivating and soothing at the same time. This band is comprised of a few German and French pan players. The lead pan player with the ras cap, is a guy first unleashed unto the pan world by Andy Narell with a Kitchener calypsoiation by Relator and the German WDR big band. It is nice to see them all playing again, he along with two other women from that previous band.Go on YouTube and you will see them there.

  • Tempo too slow, thus spirit lacking--but tone of pans good.
  • Clean crisp sound and no excessive flourishes,Nice!
  • Music so universal....As People we don't realize what we have....Great arrangement and the pans sounds well tuned....
  • That was a  wonderfull arrangement. Beautifull  cord combination used on this tune. 
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