Celebrating the Life of Ralph MacDonald - at Abyssinian Baptist Church

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A virtual who's who turns out at Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem New York for the funeral of Grammy award winning song writer and world renown producer Ralph MacDonald. Special performances were given by Roberta Flack, Robert Greenidge and Denise Collins. read more http://ning.it/sdHwbn.

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  • Thanks for the music. Thanks for the joy I feel when I listen to music. Thank you God for allowing us to be a witness to talent such as this man. R.I.P. Mr MacDonald. Your music will live on...


  • ... you walk on the earth, you leave your mark by fulfilling your God-given mandate. That's all that is required of us. We will all make mistakes, but we get up, dust off and make every attempt to stick to the purpose for which we came.  God Bless Sir Ralph MAcDonald who left an indelible mark on us all. 

  • It is so important for us to recognize our Men and Women of Valour, what a beautiful tribute to a great man. You blessed us with your gift of music and your presence was felt. R.I.P. my brother.

  • What a fitting tribute to a great soul who shared his life with so many people. He left a legacy that will live on forever. He has now joined his ancestors and so many other great souls. He is not alone. R.I.P. Brother Ralph.'''Thanks for the Music.'''

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