Clarence Curvan Orchestra "Quando Quando Quando"

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"Quando Quando Quando" was a hit Italian pop song from 1962. A version by Pat Boone made the billboard's top 100 that year.It was also a big hit in Trinidad for Clarence Curvan that year.From Clarence Curvan's hit 1962 album "The Greatest Sound Around", here is a sweet, calypso tempo version of "Quando Quando Quando".A Beverly Griffith arrangement.Sweet Music!

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  • Glenroy, I am sure yuh have ah Sel Duncan to play 4meh.

  • Glenroy,

                  This was the music that we of the 60's grew up with. I met Mr. Curvan at Mr. Hugh Borde's Thursday after carnival lime in Belmont and he purchased a copy of my book. I was indeed happy that he saw the importance of the book, and I wonder why the "average" panman, panwoman and panlover do not have the same sentiments. (lol)

  • The CD version of this LP may still be available at:

    Glen, my usual compliments for posting memorable music.

    BTW, can you or any other WST member informt re Trini-Pop? I have a hard drive with many tracks & artists (no date) categorized as Trini-Pop.

  • There you go again, Glenroy! You just seem to possess that sixth sense, that inexplicable ability for posting for WST members, wonderful and memorable music from T&T that evoke nostalgic memories. Although, pan music and anything related to pan is the primary focus of this website, it is only fair and considerate to acknowledge the other forms of musical talent that originated from this tiny but blessed island of Trinidad.

    I am categorical and unequivocal in my support of exposure and recognition being given to all those "Brass Bands" and "Combos" that flourished during the glory years of the Sixties. The likes of which were, of course, Clarence Curvan, Joey Lewis, Dutchy Bros., Gemini Brass, Ray Sylvester, Mano Marcellin, to name a few. And, Combos such as, Silver Strings, Esquires, Ancel Wyatt, Cassanovas and others not mentioned, due to my failing memory. I would be remiss if I did not mention Legends such as Sel Duncan and Fitz Von Bryan.

    These Brass Bands and Combos did impact the music scene of Trinidad and Tobago, and added diversity to the country's culture, even for a time.


    Thanks again, Glenroy, for wonderful and nostalgic music.

  • Give praise! we can listen to this and dance!  Ah like his kaiso take at the end too bad!

  • Greetings: Boy whey yuh doing dat to meh. Clarence was meh band. Thanks for the  tune .

     Pantum where can I purchase your father's book? All yuh have to get a copy of Ian Franklin's book: On Pan. Man this bredren is a walking encyclopedia. Thanks Brother Ian ! Dr. Lance Seunarine

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