CoCa Cola Gay Desperadoes Steel Orchestra - Johann Strauss' "Emperor Waltz (1964)

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"Emperor Waltz" was composed by Johann Strauss in 1889 and was intended as a toast by Emperor Franz Josef of Austria to Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany.Here is a live performance by the then Coco Cola Gay Desperadoes, from the 1964 steelband festival album "Trinidad and Tobago Steelband Music Festival Vol. 1" - Preliminaries and Quarter Finals"..

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  • Thanks !

  • Great memories.Please add this to them if any one has this tune "dream of olwen" as played by Shell Invaders probably arranged by Ray Holman. Thanks a lot

  • Glenroy that was the 1st year I storm Queens Hall, we used to go over the fence at the back, we would stay back stage for about 3 bands then  move inside with the rest of people for the rest of the show, good memories.

  • Thanks Glenroy,

                               Desperadoes may have qualified for the finals in 1964, but the top players went on to tour Canada and were not in T&T for the semi-finals. This tune was arranged by Mr. Beverly Griffith.

  • Brings back some wonderful memories for me. I was there.

  • A very nice selection from an album featuring classical music by Steelbands.

    Were there steelband LP recordings of classical music prior to 1964?

    Thanks Glenroy.

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