Darling performed by New York's D'Radoes Steel Orchestras Clive Bradley arrangement

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"Darling" performed by D'Radoes Steel Orchestras Clive Bradley arrangement. Basement Recordings captures D'Radoes Steel Orchestra's performance of Clive Bradley's arrangement of Johnny King's "Darling" in their panyard just before New York panorama 2005. D'Radoes placed 2nd in that historic panorama - giving the legendary Clive Bradley a record 1st and 2nd place wins in the same panorama. This would be Clive Bradley's last New York panorama. Here is a very seldom heard special for the WST members. The great Clive Bradley loved arranging dance and popular music for New York panorama. In the Summer of 2005 Johnny King's "Darling" was tearing-up the New York party scene. Clive Bradley would adapt a beautiful arrangement of the song for D'Radoes Steel Orchestra. As is all Clive Bradley's music works it is a great study in steel orchestras voicing, story telling and classic Caribbean music movements. The freedom and enjoyment the New York panorama afforded Clive Bradley is again evident this piece. click to listen original tune http://ning.it/KTmzhS

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