Despers USA Steel Orchestra - The Beauty and Power of Pan Even In Silence.

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Despers USA Steel Orchestra - The Beauty and Power of Pan Even In Silence. A Pictorial view of Despers USA at their New York 2014 panyard recording.

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  • These are likely 90% of the 3rd generation.  Being part of the "founding fathers," I played with this band in 1975, 1976 and 1977 as Despers USA. In 1977, Mr. Denzil "Belt" Botus brought up a debate about changing the Despers name to 'Metropolitan Steel Assemble' but he ran into a lot of resistance.  The debate came up again in 1978; this time the majority agreed.  I suggested Abbreviating the name to "Metro Steel" which lasted from 1978 through 1990. In 1991 the band lost its name, because some members left and formed as Metro. The band performed under Metro Steel assemble in 1991.  In 1992, the band went back to its original name, DESPERS USA 

    I hope that the band will changed its name again, to, T&T USA. (lol)

    Love Peace and Pan. 

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