Dr. Roy Cape @ UWI Graduation - October 2011

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Dr. Roy Cape performs a solo on the alto saxaphone at his UWI Graduation (Humanities & Education), Oct 29, 2011 .Apart from his contributions to music and culture, Dr Roy Cape has played one of the sweetest saxaphones coming from Trinidad since the nineteen sixties, when he was a member of the Clarence Curvan Orchestra.Congratulations on your award, Dr Cape, and thank you for the music, and for your contributions to our culture.

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  • congratulations Dr. Cape....it has a sweet musical ring to it.

  • Very deserving................

  • Congratulation Dr. Cape you deserved it.from B'dos.

  • Hello Glenroy....I don't know you, but I do appreciate the dissemination on Music and Information on WST.

    I do know Roy though; a brilliant Musician and an extremely humble human being he is. I too offer my sincere congratulations. Very well-deserved.

  • This is very much deserved to one of Trinidad pioneers in music.

    My sincere Congratulations -Well done Dr. Cape

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