Exodus Steel Orchestra -Franz von Suppé's "Poet and the Peasant - Overture"

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.This version of Franz von Suppé's "Poet and the Peasant - Overture" was performed by Exodus Steel Orchestra at the Panorama Champions of the Twentieth Century Concert held in 1992.It is featured on the album "Steelband Excellence".This arrangement was originally performed in calypso tempo by the defunct Gay Flamingos Steel Orchestra, which was a precursor of Exodus.To me , this is one of the best and most accurate calypso arrangements of a classical piece by a steelband, with little if any compromises from the original, yet with a joyous uptempo beat.Listen to the original Poet an Peasant Overture performed by a traditional symphony orchestra( available on youtube) and you'll see what I mean.

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  • I agree wholehardly with him. This arrangement does justice to the original music as well as the tradition of calypso. The fullest of the orchestration is marvelous.

  • Exodus steel orchestra is one of the most reknowned in Trinidad, West Indies.

  • This uptempo and spirited rendition of the "Poet and Peasant Overture" classical piece as performed by the Exodus Steel Orchestra has been my favourite pan tune for years. The Steelband Excellence album on which this magnificent tune is featured is truly a gem of an album. There are musical performances by the Greats, such as Despers, Renegades, Phase II Pan Groove, Solo Harmonites, Starlift, Guiness Cavaliers, Pan Am North Stars and Hatters, also featured on this album. But, in my estimation, Exodus' performance of the "Poet and Peasant Overture" exemplifies what excellence is all about.

    From the get-go, this band set the tempo and tone of their interpretation of this classical piece  with pizzazz and gusto that they maintained throughout, till the very end. The lead tenors displayed such speed and dexterity in the manipulation of the notes, and did so, cleanly and with perfection. The other supporting sections of the orchestra performed in harmony and cohesion, giving the impression of a well-oiled machine whose parts were functioning  at lightning speed with such smoothness and unison.

    Steelband excellence was certainly achieved by the Exodus Steel Orchestra!

  • This was real nice.

  • This arrangement was done for Exodus by  Anthony " Juggie " Rose who is a double second player with the band.  The year was 2001.

  • This is a good interpretation on Von Suppe's ''Poet & Peasant- Overture. I still think that the best version of this piece done in Calypso tempo was done by ''' Gay Flamingoes, it was as close as possible to the original piece. We all miss those Glory days when Classics ruled the road. Thanks for this piece Glen and continue to dazzle us with your vast library. ''Keep them Coming''

  • Thank you, ODW.

    You keep posting those rare high quality videos, I'll do the easy part and add the "color'

  • I agree, Bede.

    Many times arrangers compromise on some of the more complicated passages of a clasic, especially back in the days when the Bomb competition was big.

    They'd play the easier and more familiar parts of the classic which made it easier for less skilled players to play  on the road.

    I'm not blaming or criticizing , just making a point.

    A good example is Despers "Flight of the Bumble Bee", a popular bomb tune of yesteryear.

    I love the Beverly arrangement, but it was obviously done for the road, and one must admit that the arranger took liberties with the original piece.

  • this is what am talking about, I judge a band that plays a classic in calypso tempo by playing it as close as possible without chopping it up


    Glen, I have you to thank for all your insightful commentaries and history, it really brings life to these performance pieces...a rare gift you have...a quality that's hard to find in today's music products.  

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