Fitz Vaughn Bryan Orchestra "Tan Tan"

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"Tan Tan" by the Fitz Vaughn Bryan band was probably one of the biggest dance hall hits ever in Trinidad and Tobago , and I do remember this Fitz Vaughn composition dominating the local music charts for some time in the early sixties.Tan Tan was composed by Fitz Vaughn, and was one of the biggest hits of that era - circa 1962, and a great party tune.For an entire generation of young adults, the Fitz Vaughn Bryan Orchestra was considered by many to be the best big band/ dance band of Trinidad, and the band included some notable musicians of that era including the likes of guitarist Les Sargeant , Frankie Joseph on trumpet and Simeon Cabellero ( Oxley) on trombone.I remember hearing somewhere that the tune "Tan Tan" was a salute to Bryan's favorite aunt, and it remains a sweet , enjoyable dance piece from yesteryear.I'm sure this tune will stir fond memories among old time Trinis out there.It certainly does it for me.

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  • Imagine I used to leave Diego to go to Valencia Junction to hear this on a Juke Box there.

  • A trulyl T&T and Caribbean classic form one of my favorite orchestras.

    Thanks for posting this again, Glenroy.

  • Ohh Gord!

    De memries flow back like it was yessuday.

    Tan Tan is  one of the greatest bis ban tunes of de era (of any era) and a seminal tune in the canon of T&T dmce music. it captured the mood of the era. It was supremely celebratory, very danceable, encouraged all to sing the refrain 'tantan' but yet it worked as good 'listening' music with some inspired soloing .

    Thanx for posting it!

  • Money then.    More Money now!

  • Yer could'nt  ask fer notting better.

  • It was big in BG too! Nice! :)

  • "Tan Tan" was one of the biggest hits from the Fitz Vaughn Bryan orchestra in the early nineteen sixties.

    This band was loved and highly acclaimed in the late fifties and early sixties, and many (who were mostly a few years older than I was at the time) would argue that for a while, this was the best dance band in Trinidad and Tobago.

  • Thanks Glenroy

    You are the keeper of the historic flame Bro. Keep on educating us we need it.Those were the days when caiso was linked to the jazz masters up north our bands were comprable to Duke Ellington and Count Basie and other big bands but these days we are lost in the wilderness of "nobody knows what the hell is going on"...We need to educate and nuture our Youths cause they are our future. Also I wish you would point out who the players were on the session. Thanks Jeff Medina

  • Great memories. I surprised myself when I realized I still remembered the guitar, tenor sax and trumpet solos. After more than 50 years.
  • That was sweet, so were the memories. Trini was sweet, sweet. life was smooth, the fetes were  memorable. Thanks for the memories.


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