Geoffrey Holder- Limbo Calypso- Vik

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Calypso RnB Party! Sounds like Mickey Baker on guitar.

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  • All hail Geoffrey! Your life has been a tremendous one.

    Condolences  to all his family with love.

  • Nice Belve . Thanks for posting.
  • 2959983028?profile=original

    Carmen de Lavallade posted this photo of herself and Geoffrey Holder on her Facebook page in June, on their 59th wedding anniversary. She said, “I met Geoffrey during the Philadelphia run of House of Flowers. Alvin Ailey and I had just joined the cast. Three days after Geoffrey and I met, he proposed to me. Four months later I said yes. And it’s been a fabulous adventure ever since. Happy Anniversary to us!”

    T&T’s Geoffrey Holder, a Tony Award-winning director, actor, painter, dancer and choreographer, died on Sunday at the age of 84 of complications of pneumonia at Mt Sinai St Luke’s Hospital in New York.
    Holder was the brother of famous artist Boscoe Holder and brother of Marjorie Boothman, both of whom predeceased him. 
    He is survived by his wife, the dancer Carmen de Lavallade, and their son, Leo.
    On Monday, de Lavallade posted this note written by her son Leo on Facebook, about Holder’s final hours. It describes a man who was at peace with himself and dancing to the last moments of his life. 

    A little more than a week after developing pneumonia, Geoffrey Holder made a decision. He was calling the shots as always. He was done. Two attempts at removing the breathing tube didn’t show promising results. In his truest moment of clarity since being rolled into ICU, he said he was good. Mouthing the words “No, I am not afraid,” without a trace of negativity, sadness or bitterness, he sincerely was good with it.

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