Remembering Haiti - You are in our thoughts

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A tremendous catastrophe befell the people of Haiti. Please keep them in your thoughts and prays. In late 2008 When Steel Talks traveled to the island of Antigua to report on the Moods of Pan Festival. David Rudder, as one of the headliners performed his tribute to the nation of Haiti. This song seems very appropriate right now. Here is a video of that performance as captured by When Steel Talks.

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  • The Medianet Haiti Relief Fund  brainchild of Ambassador Reginald Dumas, with funds collected from hte people of Trinidad and Tobago and the Southern Caribbean served by One Caribbean Media companies continues to make a difference in Haiti. More help is needed. We in the Caribbean do not have the miillion$, but we can show them how to use what little we have effectively.

    Check out

  • Greetings:Today marks the 4 year anniversary when the hurricane wreaked havoc and destruction in Haiti.This was the time where untold numbers were buried in mass graves and where today over 150,000 continue to live under tarps and corrugated tin roofs and plywood; there is no master plan to relocate these Haitians. Ma.ny continue to live on these treeless mountains where they play Russian roulette with their lives. We read that they have begun the reconstruction of the palace and municipal buildings. NGOs continue to compete with one another instead of identifying the skill workers; There are no plans to relocate the Haitians from the these plastic colonies ( which have begun to look as permanent bantustans). It is estimated that US citizens contributed over 1 billion dollars to assist the Haitians. So, why have they not been the recipients of this money? It is estimated that it would take $800.00 per Haitian to be relocated so why have they not been relocated from the funds that were collected? The Hon Marcus Garvey said no one respects a beggar so why have we not demand that a plan be executed so that the Haitians can begin to rebuild their country using their skill manpower? Or, are they waiting for elections which is around the corner to use this as an election ploy? We must adovocate for the voiceless. Guidance Brother Lance Seunarine (
  • Ayiti kimbé rèd pa moli...

  • That song by David Rudder is still relevant today

    As we observe two years since the earthquake  and with disease still taking many lives another song comes to mind:

    "Everytime a Hatian Ball, is a black man ball,

    Everytime Hatian Fall, is a Black man fall " .................(c) Ronald Boo Hinkson

    Dear Haiti We will endeavour to lift you up so as no more  to have to say we are sorry, We Love you. We care for you. Your strength inspires us.

    If anyone wants to donate please go to the "Steel Pulse" website and donate some money. You will receive the link to download  their song created to raise funds for haiti. Please tell your friends to tell their friends.

    Blessed love to all

  • The Spiritual giant and Son of the Son of Levi was brought low before the nations of this world. Much people lift up the Name in that place. Many wealthy brethren in there though oppressed and persecuted. Now God has raised up a leader to assist in a certain way amidst the great oppression still rampant.....

    But let it be a strong message to us who believe that we are God's people when we still whore after the flesh...Carnival comes soon and there is much good but much evil in that festival. I pray that the Lord will have mercy on the souls who he has called that their eyes may be opened. Haiti is the Mother in Part of this "New" caribbean. The people's of the mountains of Haiti like that in Cuba still bow down to the Most High. Our Taino brethren as in Puerto Rico and in Jamaica and through out the Caribbean know about Haiti and the Domincan Republic and the evils that pass and passed through there. Consider these things and do not let this happen to you. See how they almost completely wiped put the Taino and other Holy men. Consider this and understand. Shalom.

  • Haiti i am sorry let's pray for those we lost and those who are suffering in Haiti god bless!!!!!!
  • i thought of this calypso the minute i heard of the earthquake i remember hearing this live in toronto at the water front david did wonders to this song
  • Help to contribute to 4 credible organizations already helping in Haiti via WMNF Public Radio in Tampa Bay area, Florida. Call the station at 813 239-9663 or online contribution at The 4 organizations will receive 100% of all the donations--the stations will absorb the costs of processing the donations. The 4 groups are: Yele Haiti (Wyclef Jean's group), Doctors without Borders, Mercy Corps (Portland, OR), and Partners in Health. If you cannot donate, keep Haiti in your prayers. Thanks WST for playing this Rudder tune--so deep.
  • Is there anyone in Britain (London or South) want to put together a benefit concert - I'd like to play.

    Thinking of all our fellows in Haiti - R
  • 'Haiti We are sorry' We are sorry for what you are now going through. May Almighty God Bless You all and have Mercy on you. We are all God's Children and we all feel your pain. Only Jah knows.
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