Solo Harmonites Steel Orchestra Live -Lord Kitchener's "Play Mas"(1971)

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Folks, the live version of "Play Mas" by Solo Harmonites !! I can't believe it!!Someone posted it! Thank you!Here is Solo Harmonites in 1971 with Earl Rodney's winning arrangement of Lord Kitchener's "Play Mas"

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  • solo harmonites ans 

    Solo Harmonites and Starlift played "St Thomas girl" and "Queen of the band" respectively to tie and win the title in 1971.Solo Harmonites won in 1972 with "Play mas". Can I get a verify on that anybody?


  • Glenroy... is that the original speed or a faster version.  Lord, I could imagine what the rhythm section was going through that night. Wicked !!

  • This live 1971 Panorama performance was probably in the semifinals, and gives a feel for panorama back then, crowd response and all.

  • I always believe Harmonites tied with Starlift in 1971 and Harmonites won  in 1972 with this selection. It's amazing how incorrect I can be.Does anyone beleive with me? 

  • Hey Glenroy, what about Solo's winning rendition of Kitchie's "The Wrecker" Bro?  Stephen
  • this is from an album done by NationalGeographic.
  • Yes, you do stand corrected Mr. Gittens....There was no second....Solo and Starlift tied for 1st that year {1971}....Starlift played Sparrow's "queen of the Bands". Invaders came in third wirh Kitchener's "Mas in Madison Square Garden"......sweet pan that year my brother... allyuh giving me goose bumps. Pax et Amor in pan!
  • Do you have Carib Tokyo from that year I think they ran second ...I stand to be corrected.... anyone ??
  • Glenroy, glenroy, you is a boss boy. You know how much memories you bringing back here? Some of these musics ought to be made available to today's kids as lessons in the art of steel-band music playing, but many an arranger did not score his work, so now someone has to come out of the woodwork and assist in funding a project like this.
  • Obviously this is not the final night performance since it is incomplete, but it is great to hear live, nonetheless.
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