High Mas - Len "Boogsie" Sharpe - Silhouettes - 1998 Cool Down Version

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This is the cool down version of David Rudder's critically acclaimed "High Mas" as captured in 1998 on an analog Sony Walkman by Basement Recordings. The audio quality is not great but the genius of Mr. Sharpe shines through. The band performing is Brooklyn's Silhouettes Steel Orchestra. They were massive that year. Go to hear the tempo version at https://whensteeltalks.ning.com/video/high-mas-len-boogsie-sharpe

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  • Pan Times,

    Was going over the comments and realized I did not acknowledge your info on where to find the results.

    I was so absorbed that I did not come back to say a great big thank you for your response.

    Brenda H.

  • Very fortunate to enhance one of Trinidad and Tobago great panist. The rest is history.

  • Brenda you can find a summary on 1998 results at this link http://www.panonthenet.com/history/NewYorkResults.htm

  • Don't worry, Khuent Rose, it's not about being "green", Panorama is always kind of surreal.

    And the Panorama night tempo makes it even more so.

    I know that speed is a requisite of Panorama performances, but unfortunately you miss a lot of what the arranger is doing.

    These cool down versions are very refreshing.

    And BTW, while I understand why it is done, I concur with everyone who complain about the voice tags..

  • The question that I have is if this version took 15 mins to execute how fast was this performed? '98 was one of my "green" years in pan so I don't remember most of what happened at panoramas: like a strange dream.

  • The Power of Len "Boogsie" Sharpe...

    It is normal in New York for front line players to carry their own personal instruments sometimes to a panyard. However, this was the first time I ever saw bass players rolling a six bass into a yard to make sure there is a pan for them to play.

  • Mr. Sharpe,

    That is fantastic.  It is nice to hear a slow tune for a change.  My breathing is still slow and controlled (smile).  I like the arrangement.  You get a thumbs up for that one.  Keep up the good work.

  • A true master arranger!!! if there was ever such a thing.
  • I do not know music but I have a keen ear.I really enjoyed this version of High Mas and i find the tempo especially correct to dance with my pardner. "Oh what bliss". Sincerely Gail Ann.
  • The audio quality is not so miserable.Feelin is significant with very good Orchestra!!!!!
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