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The Howard University Board of Trustees voted in 2014 to appoint Wayne A. I. Frederick, M.D., MBA, FACS, as the University’s 17th President. Frederick, a Tri...

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  • Dr. Wayne Frederick was one of the speakers at the Howard University Graduating Class in May 2013.  I was there at the invitation of my god daughter, Miss Stephanie Simon who graduated Cum Laude.  She is the daughter of my best friend, Steve Simon who was the proudest father there. (lol)

    Dr. Frederick was introduced by the then President of Howard University who mentioned that Dr. Frederick was a Howard student at age 16 and he hails from Trinidad.  That made me very proud and the fact of where he grew up in Trinidad.  The ones who strive towards excellence are the ones who will most likely succeed. 

  • Makes me proud to be a human being from Trinidad & Tobago, this is so wonderful. Wishing him the best in all his endeavors.

  • Yep, knew him from pre-teen (elementary school level) through college and on to medical school at age 16 years old to pursue medicine. Families lived next to each other for over 20 years in Diamond Vale, Trinidad & Tobago, West Indies. Experienced him going through his sickle cell episodes succeeding every seven-year cycle. I know my dad, healthy-looking, strong, physically-fit, upon being diagnosed with cancer, Wayne (Dr Frederick) couldn't understand how such a healthy man could be afflicted with the dreaded disease, this, having an influence on his pursuit in oncology. Beautiful young black son-of-the-soil!

  • I have heard about him and Iam so proud

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