"Ivory and Steel" featuring two Trinidad music legends, Winnifred Atwell and Pan Am North Stars

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I am posting this historic album because it must be heard.I have searched and have not found it available for purchase anywhere, and that's to bad for pan fans everywhere, so I hope that it can be heard and appreciated here.For the back story of this fastastic music,I refer you to the oustanding article by Dalton Narine that is posted on this forum.There is nothing I can add to the story, so as you enjoy this album, please check out this well written and informative piece.http://www.panonthenet.com/news/2008/june/ivory-steel-6-19-08.htmGlenroy Joseph

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  • i have cds of ivory and steel and carols and classics and many more.Cyril Mathews,the ex-treasurer of panam did the conversions

  • There needs to be a re-issuance of this classic.  I foolishly loaned out my copy with predictable consequences...

  • so very very beautiful

  • Thank you so very much....VERY nice!!
  • This brings back so many memories. Has this LP been converted to CD. If so is there a place where one can place an order for this classic piece of music. This is  Ivory & Steel music which we should keep for posterity. Please let me know ASAP.

    Kindest regards to all  

  • to this day there is no better sounding band as tony williams and north stars.  today's pannist should study these recordings and hope fully learn the difference in playing a pan as opposed to beating a pan.
  • .I am happy that these presentations are been brought forward so the younger Pan generation can learn from our  past history.




  •   Glenroy :- Thanks for your hard work so we can enjoy some of the Great artiste of the past.... Thanks again
  • great music. a classic indeed. all panjumbies should have this album in their collection of music. Bravo!
  • What memories. My deceased brother Anthony(who played with Panam) and I used this album every carnival we couldn't spend in T'dad (we lived in Venezuela for some time) we would get up early Carnival Monday Morning and had our own Jouvert. from bed to bed room and our living room was Green corner Where this tune was played as the Bomb tune. Just wish the Youths of North Stars could appreciate this bands history and even its executive.
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