Jaco Pastorius - Reza/Giant Steps/Reza -featuring Othello Molineaux.

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Othello Molineaux plays "Giant Steps" on steelpans and Jaco does his "Little Blackbird" thing.Japan 1982I have to publicly thank The One Who's Name I Dare Not Mention for reminding us of Othello, who I had kind of overlooked.For pan jazz fans, here he is with the late legendary electric bassist Jaco Pastorius in a performance in Japan in 1982.Othello's solo is past midway in the piece, but it is certainly worth the wait !

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  • I repeat last April's admiration of this performance, initially posted by Pan'tum:      

    What a collaboration:   Jaco's thundering, fretless bass with echoes of Coltrane from Othello's Pan (Steel Drum)......

    And Hey, give that drummer 'some' !!!

  • @ Spiceman: Oh the value of being on the Inside Looking Out! People do not know that you are the one who made that network happen (between Trinidad Tripoli and Jaco Pastorius). Thanks for the comment, colleague. They may choose to discredit you, but when Jaco and Tello endorses you, I know you can live with that. lol. Can you believe some of these trolls on WST? They think because they are ignorant of our contributions, that we are "nobodies". We got to tell the story; if they could omit Tello and your dad (Hugh Borde), who are you and I? ☺ 


  • Of course, I'm always ahead of the game. I posted this same clip in April of last year. Glenroy is a year behind the Ghost. Emile (Spiceman), you know our perspective -from the INSIDE, not the OUTSIDE. First hand knowledge, even though some of you may be older than the both of us. We were in THE HISTORY you now seek! https://whensteeltalks.ning.com/video/jaco-pastorius-reza-giant-step...
  •   On being a Genius musician, Jaco said to me.."Once you take this trip.? Man! there's No turning back."  Only real players can comprehend what Othello the 'Mighty' was dealing with in that moment with the greatest musical spirit I ever personally had the pleasure of now very treasured moments. Jaco Pastorius FOREVER a Genius who transformed the space he shared with us. and fortunately like Liberace had already done with Hugh Borde's Trinidad Tripoli steelband, the amazing Jaco recognized our Genius in Othello..

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