John Buddy Williams - Lord Christo's "Last Night The Landlord Nearly Killed Me"

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From the Cook 1961 compilation "Le Jazz Primitif from Trinidad", a rousing arrangement by John Buddy Williams, and an example of dance music of Trinidad in the late fifties-early sixties.This was also the preferred street music for the costumed (historical) carnival bands of that era as an alternative to the steelband.

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  •  wonderful- thanks for sharing 

     remember dutchy bros on the road in pos for strassers band

  • I wonder what would happen if this music is blasted on one of those big trucks on Carnival days. Just a crazy thought. How would masqueraders respond I wonder.

  • This music produces a sweetness at the core of your being that is unlike what is being produced these days. Hope we recover that sweetness. it was the anchor to life that nothing could shake or erode.

  • so much better than jump and wine and wave a flag!!!


  • Mr. Joseph, very good music, back in time classics, I keep playing this tune over and over.

    Thank you


  • Mr. Joseph I enjoy all the classics you share.  This one roused memories of my parents....Oh the good old days.  Thank you.

  • I know you have more from that period, so keep coming with the sweet music of times past......


  • Is the groove,the song´s got a real bounce to it.Sweet music boy.

  • OHGEEZEANAGES!!! This music sweet. Nice Lavue...What I like about this is that the trio of horn players are all capable of improvising on their own in their own soloing and playing individual licks, especially the horn man when he  using the "cup", while the saxes, one playing melody and the other harmony, backing up and switching their lavue licks.
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