"Jonah and the Bake" by Lord Melody (Live at the Young Brigade Calypso tent,1957)

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During the postwar years after Lord Kitchener left for England, and before The Mighty Sparrow "arrived" on the scene in 1956, the Lord Melody was probably the most notable calypsonian around.One of his biggest hits of that era was "Jonah and the Bake", a calypso that was so popular that I remember the lyrics to this day.From the 1957 album "Calypso Kings and Pink Gin" , recorded live at the Young Brigade Calypso Tent, here is Lord Melody's "Jonah and the Bake".

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  • great memory. thanks grj.

  • Ofcourse its SPARROW  (the alt MC) introducingt his good friend  Ftizroy Alexander (Lord Melody) the CLOWN PRINCE of Calypso. He made us laugh he made us dance.  paddy

  • I believe Lord Melody was the also the main MC at Young Brigade back then, and Sparrow usually introduced him when he sang, as was the case here. .

  • Nice Glenroy;

    this brought back memories. I could hear Sparrow in the background.

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