Juba Youth Pan Groove- Lord Kitchener's "Sweet Pan" arr. by Llewellyn Hunt (Panorama Finals 1984)

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Panorama 1984 Finals,Traditional ( Pan 'round neck) Steelband. Lord Kitchener's popular 1984 calypso arranged by Llewellyn Hunt

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  • Thanks also to Mr. Joseph for finding this video and posting it
  • Thanks Janice for sending me this video clip. Yes that is our boy Huntie! It is good to see these performances from over 20 years ago and to compare them with what is happening now. I wish we could find more of Mr. Hunte's arrangements.

  • Thanks Glen for the memories. I saw a boyhoodfriend of mine named Kenneth Henry. I have not seen him in ages. I hope he checks out this site, if we reconnect,it would be because of you.Thanks again my friend Glen. Keep them coming. You are still the best. I dont care what them boys say. [LOL]
  • Thanks  AGAIN  GlenRoy...for sharing this... so special.
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