Kitch's "Trouble in Arima" by Trinidad All Stars Steel Band

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From the 1950's compilation album "Calypso Fever - From Trinidad to London", here is my earliest tune from Trinidad All Stars, Lord Kitchener's "Trouble in Arima". This compilation was recorded between 1950 and 1953.

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  • pan was sweet from the get go the engine room bad for days, tell me now what is the big deal bout reading or writing music all who laughing at panman want licks d pan is in the blood of those people, thank you Glenroy you are the man of the moment keep it comming


  • Hi Glenroy,  Such a simple tune yet dressed up so nicely with Tenor Improv eh? This is earlier than anything I have. The tenor player reminds me of Neville Bornaparte (Southern Symphony) I notice on the LP cover my mentors name Shake Keane (the greatest Jazz Trumpet/Flugelhorn player to come out of the west indies (we are both from St Vincent). I followed his trail right up to my Jazz/Rock retirement. See Demon Fuzz or paddy corea (google it)
  • Does anyone know the name of the lead tenor man, Is it Mr. Jules?
  • de tenor man bad fuh days...
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