"Last Election" by the MIGHTY CYPHER(1967)

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For all you conosieurs of fine kaiso, here is one for you.Since politics is in the air at this time , here is the Mighty Cypher's take on the 1967 election in Trinidad and Tobago.Not for nothing was Cypher called "The Clown Prince Of Calypso".This was one of the selections that won this legendary commedic calypsonian the 1967 Calypso crown.As they would say in the tents in the old days,"Kaiso, Maestro, Kaiso"!

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  • thank you bro.
  • Nothing was funnier than hearing a group of those Old Time Calypsonians conversing, Imagination galore!

  • Kaiso, Glenroy, Kaiso!!!

  • Great listening to one of the main attractions at OYB. Hearing that characteristic guitar strum from the Bertram Inniss orchestra takes me back to the era of the greatest calyso recordings.I can imagine  the voice of Bob Gittens saying they don't make them like that anymore.  

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