Liberation Music: The Next Step for Pan by Andre White

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Andre White's first album featuring Pantonic Steel Orch. and Friends. -"My name is Andre White. Im a steelpan performer/arranger/composer. I was born and raised in New York with a heavy west indian upbringing. Started playing at the age of 6 with a family oriented band out of Freeport, LI named ADLIB steel orch. It was there that I was exposed to the instrument and given the opportunities to begin to explore my talents. I've also worked with various different steelpan ensembles and orchestras around the world such as Mangrove Steel Band, Clico Sforzata, Tamana Pioneers, and Witco Desperadoes. I'm a graduate from Berklee College of Music with a degree in professional music. .....Growing up in NY and being around popular pan fraternities, I realized from an early age that there weren't enough avenues, outside of the Conventional Panorama competition that happens once every year, for pan players to really showcase their talents and establish themselves further, musically. For examples, no career paths, projects or events that will show reward to the 'panman' for his hours of dedication behind the instrument. For a very long time I've had much admiration for the band, Pantonic Steel Orch. It's natural groove, it's sound, the different personalities that all find a way to coincide with each other almost flawlessly through the music...and with much credit respectfully due to the man that gave them this sound, sir Clive Bradley. Growing up, Pantonic was a power house under his direction, and through the years they've managed to maintain that sound. As such, I decided to do this Album to showcase their element through my eyes, along with a full cast of conventional instrument musicians from percussionists, to vocals, and horns. ....The name of the Album is called LIBERATION MUSIC. It's a 7 track album featuring 5 of my originals and 2 covers plus 3 interludes with a variety of different grooves and textures that haven't been greatly explored to these depths, behind the instrument. My main purpose behind this project is to show the upcoming generation's pan players, and by extension the world, that we have to raise the bar for ourselves and push pan in a more progressive direction, and anyone can do this once we apply ourselves to music on a higher level with a more open mind. The purpose is also to shed light on the talent that has been overlooked in New York, and to give people something to groove to." read more

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  • Andre White, Liam Teague, Andy Narrell, Brian 'Bean' Griffith, Daryl Reid.......................real "music makers" for the next generation. Music "on a higher level with a more open mind"

  • Great seeing the next Generation of Leaders and Shakers

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