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The Grand Master of Calypso and the Godfather of Pan tunes, the late Lord Kitchener gives the instructions as to becoming a "Heavy Roller" at Panorama.From 1995 at the Father's Day Caribbean Show at Brooklyn College, introduced by comedian Tommy Joseph, here is the Lord Kitchener and "Heavy Roller"."If yuh know that yuh light, and yuh eh have the weight"Keep right and pass the Savannah straight"Nobody did it better!

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  • the greatest of all time

  • An instructive Panorama message for all time. Just watching the Grandmaster maneuver the stage is a such

    thrill. Glenroy, your "well" of wonderful PAN/Kaiso music will never be dry. I join those who feel indebted to

    you & other WST video/audio contributors for the memories evoked; the joy instilled.

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