LORD KITCHENER "J'ouvert 69"

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To many of us from Trinidad and the Eastern Caribbean, who were around in the latter half of the last century,the calypsoes of the late Grand Master Lord Kitchener played an important role in the soundtracks of our lives.In every decade from the forties to the turn of the century there were hits by Kitch.Here from 1969 is one of those hits.From the album "King of The Road, arranged by the famed big band and steelband arranger Clive Bradley, here is "J'ouvert 69"

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  • Sweet too bad!

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=16WhiR...

    Hey Felix,

    Also listen to it completely on YouTube.


  • http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/some-spicy-delights/id379513595

    Hello Felix,

    The name of the tune is: Wife and Mother available for purchase ($0.99) and download at the above site.


  • Hi,

    I forgot to mention I need the words for that calypso please, 


    Felix  Again

  • Hi,

    Please!  Could Somebody help me out with this Kitch`s calypso.

    I don`t know the name, but the first lines goes like this;

    "If your Mother and your wife are drowning, tell me which one of them would you be saving"?

    Then it goes on to " You can always get another wife but you can never get another Mother in your life"

    Thank You


  • This is Kitch's marvelous contribution to the many songs heralding and celebrating carnival1969.

    Thanks Glenroy.....

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