Lord Kitchener -" Steel Band Music" (1964)

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Another early classic pan tune from The Grand Master.

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  • "We have captains like Philo James and Ellie Mannette
    Arthur Byer, Neville Jules and Junior Pouchet
    Kenrick George, David Edwards I must mention
    And Tony Williams and Michigan
    They are giants musically
    And dey names ought to go down in history"

    Lord Kitchener - "Steelband Music" 1964.

    No calypsonian has done more to promote the steel band and its people than the Lord Kitchener.

  • I am in complete agreement, Terry.

    However, I fear our words fall on deaf ears.............

  • Hey glen...a classic musical history of Pan.

     As we have discussed several times, and echoed by Brenda & Michaele, it's high time that a permanent musical archive of calypso and steel band be established in TRINIDAD. Many collectors, like myself, the world over.....(not just TRINIS)..... would be happy to donate 78s, 45s, LPs, CDs, even hard drives towards this worthwhile project.

    The vast recordings are still available in many places, but TRINIS need to provide the 'housing' in their HOMELAND.....soonest!!   

  • wow  WHAT A COLLECTION YOU HAVE GLENROY.  and thanks again for sharing.  I sure appreciate it. As usual, I am learning so much from you and WST.  As Brenda commented below, some one should start an archives of these national & global treasures.  Hello out there, UWI music students !
  • Great memories of time gone by.Love it.
  • Timeless, like most of Kitchie's tune's. I can listen to it day and night
  • Thanks very much. One of my all time faves from my youth!
  • Love the graphics, ODW !
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