Lord Kitchener's "Pan Night and Day" by Desperadoes Steel Orchestra. Panorama Champions 1985
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Just some trivia for you all. 1985 panorama results is the closest ever.
The marks were 282 Desperadoes and Renegades, 281 All Stars, 280 Tokyo and 279 Exodus.
That was Bradley's first year away from Desperadoes, and Tokyo never placed that high since.
Love both the
Desperadoes & Renegades live panorama finals version of this Kitch classic!
I find it impossible to separate them to decide which version is better as they
are both brilliant and make the pores raise! Steelband music, arrangement &
performance at its finest!!
. I first heard this tune on pan before I heard the actually calypso, and found the melody so rich and classical. I almost couldn't believe it was a calypso.
This tune is a testament to the greatness of the late Lord Kitchener, the greatest pan calypso composer of them all !
Beverly Griffith and Robert Greenidge were indeed the arrangers. Here is an article on the 1985 season posted by WST and written Beverly Griffith.
click to read http://www.panonthenet.com/panmag/beverly.htm
Whenever I post any music or videos, I try my my best to get the correct information so that the artists and arrangers be properly credited for their work.
This information sometimes is not easy to obtain, but I think it is important for the historical record.
However, occasionally I make errors, and if anyone is aware of them, please inform me so that they can be corrected.
In the case of this piece. I've made a couple errors. For some reason , I thought it was arranged by Clive Bradley, but I was informed that I was wrong.
The Panorama 1-2-3 placings list on Pan Trinbago's website listed Beverly Griffith as the arranger and neglected to add Mr Robert Greenidge (my favorite individial panist) as co-arranger.
I would like to apologize to Mr Greenidge for the oversight, and promise to try harder to make sure that all of my postings are 100 percent accurate.