Lord Melody "MAS" (1965)

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Lord Melody's Mas was the tune played by Guinness Cavaliers Steel Orchestra in their historic Steelband Panorama victory of 1965.This rare gem is presented with appreciation for a friend and member of this forum who has generously provided much of the rare music that has been posted on this forum and elsewhere.He has vast cultural library which he has willingly shared with us.So, Thank you, Terry Edwards.

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  • What a memory. However, I must say that the greater memory is Cavalier's brilliant interpretation!

  • Thank you very much for this and the great memories that everyone has provided on this forum.  This was one of my favorites.

  • Thanks Glenroy and Terry . This takes me right back to Carnival Sunday night, 1965 and the celebration we had with our friends from Cavaliers after their big win. Great Memory of a great Calypsonian and a great version of this calypso by Bobby and the guys. Blessings.
  • Thank you Terry Edwards.
  • Great find Glenroy -  couldn't find this anywhere.

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