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A blast from the past from the legendary calypsonian.Some of us may have forgotten , but the legendary calypsonian Lord Melody was a joy as a singer and composer , and one of the great masters of the genre.Many of his compositions became classics of the genre , and like most singers of his day , he was a master of the double entendre , and capable of lyrics that, while suggestive weren't openly vulgar.This was also a popular tune with the steelbands in those days, an era when just about any good calypso would have also been a good "pan tune"Here is one of his great hits of yesteryear that displays Melody at his best - the voice , the lyrics - he was aptly named.Fitzroy Alexander , the Lord Melody was born in 1926 , and passed away in September, 1988.May he Rest in Peace.Lord Melody's "The River"

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  • Thanks GRJ for this is from the Treasures of Calypso. I always thought that this was Nap Hepburn's tune.

  • Lord Melody is one of my favorite calypsonians and I have spent many years collecting his music.

    It was quite a pleasure to have met him three times (1969-1971) during his annual performances at

    the former Junkanoo Club & Restaurant Washington, DC.

    He has several calypsos about the steelband which I hope GRJ/WST will soon feature. 

  • ..... and what a great blast from the past it is! This brings back many wonderful memories of my young adult party years in NYC. I especially loved the great Lord Melody's music. Yes - and may he forever rest in peace. Thanks for sharing this.

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