Lovely Day performed by Endurance Steel Orchestra

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Bill Withers’ “Lovely Day” performed by Endurance Steel Orchestra in London’s Trafalgar Square

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  • The band has a nice sound, and personifies the old saying about "The show must go on!"  However, since the band's name is "Endurance", the following obvious comments are intended in good fun.

    Endurance is a well-named orchestra, showing remarkable endurance playing through the rain.  Kind of opens the viewer to funny ideas, watching a band named "Endurance" having to show actual endurance. 

    For example, perhaps they could adopt a band brand or theme of performing under all kinds of different difficult circumstances.  Kind of makes one wonder what they would 'endure' next.

    Or, "Singing In The Rain" would have been a perfect number for this performance.

    BaDa Bump!

    All in good fun.  Actually, even without the difficult circumstances, this was a fine performance.  Congrats.  Looking forward to more posted videos on YouTube, etc.



    music is 4evr coming from the Caribbean......x

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