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Two members of PanGanG, Jonas Ploeger (SopranoPan) and Lovis Suchmann (PanKat) working on Liam Teague's / Robert Chappell's "For Lack Of Better Words".

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    After 12 years the PanKAT got a new boost. The Andy Narell Steel Pans — The Ellie Mannette Collection are the perfect fuel for digital steelpan controller. Here is a scale exercise played by one of my students:

    Maybe you like it.;-)

  • Just found out this is on PanOnTheNet too... :)
    Thank you guys, I really appreciate your comments... (I'm sure Jonas does too.) and I also think it's a really great composition and arrangement. I really liked to play it, although it's some time in the past now.

    This really makes me think about reviving the PanKAT once more (it wasn't played in our band for several months or so) - so I hope you'll be able to see and hear some new tunes in 2013!

    Merry Christmas :)

  • I love it, u can clearly hear all the different ranges in the song......<3
  • Correct. This is the only way that the music and artfom will get international recognition.
    Showcase the instrumments {including lower range pans} alongside other conventional instruments and music.
  • Thanks WerNer, I think this video should be sufficient. Also, thanks for letting me know about the forum I will definitely check that out. Do you guys have anything else that shows off the panKAT/your group? It would be great if I could promote your group as well as a product. If you want to e-mail me directly about any of this stuff, my e-mail is
  • Very artistically done. A fine composition too.
  • Feel free to do so, Matt. Is the link to this video sufficiant or do need the file?
    About PanKat: For a pan player it's everything else but ready to use..
    It took me months to set it up the way we need it in the PanGanG. But once you get it running it's worth every cent and every second you invest into it.
    By the way this is the PanKat forum.
  • Awesome job guys! This is a great demonstration of the uses of the panKAT. I will be offering the panKAT in the store very soon, and would love to include this video. Keep up the good work!
  • Well played! I really liked this composition.
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