Lynn Taitt & The Jets - Hold Me Tight - Johnny Nash Vocal

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Nearlin "Lynn" Taitt was an ace panist and outstanding guitarist from San Fernando, Trinidad, who was one of the founders of Jamaica's Rock Steady, which was a precursor of Reggae music.Here his group 'Lynn Taitt and the Jets' (from Jamaica) are featured in this early sixties hit from Johnny Nash"Hold Me Tight"Check Lynns Rock steady guitar!Not bad for an old time panman, eh?R.I.P Lynn Taitt June 22, 1934 - January 20, 2010

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  • Glenroy this was the tim of the Rock Steady,the 60,s i was in my teens at the then timeand rocking to the music keep on going on ,Respect.

  • i remember this song as a child growing up, and always thought it was a nice piece of work on the guitar. trini eh. nicely done.

  • Thanks once again, Glenroy .. keep up the steady additions.


  • Interviewer:

    Like the ‘bubbling of notes’ style that echoes the inflections of steel pan?

    “Yes, that’s a part of it”, Taitt replied. “It’s playing the bass line and other things too.”

    (If you haven't , do check out the entire interview and tribute at

  • This track was very popular in Sierra Leone and Liberia when I was there (3months) in 1979.

    Great guitar rock-steady indeed. Thanks again for the musical contribution by a Trini legend.

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