Maestro...Tempo...Greatest Hitz (Calypso)

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MAESTRO REAL NAME: Cecil Hume... PLACE OF BIRTH: Princes Town, Trinidad CAREER: Maestro began singing in the 1960s and his calypsoes include: Tempo; Fiery; Rampage; Gold; Savage; Play Me; Tantie; Over Yonder; Brimstone; Mountain Dew Gang; Knock Dem Down; Bionic Man DIED: August 30, 1977, in Trinidad, after being struck by a vehicle. Maestro was one of the leading Soca and calypso artistes in Trinidad in the 1970's before his untimely death at a young age.His splendid delivery of "Fiery" earned him the road march title in 1976.

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  • This is an exceptionally wonderful song. I have a CD of all his greatest hits. Everytime I play it, I get the calypso real jumpy feeling man

     Glenroy, I endorse your comments on  Sparrow's 1969 Album "More Sparrow More"

  • I believe Spoiler has been left out. Remember the Bed Bug !!!!

  • Glenroy I agree with you and my choices for the greatest calypso albums would be 1. Kitch 67, 2. More Sparrow More 1969 and 3. Sparrow Come Back -1962

  • Mr. Pinheiro, I think it is very difficult to choose the greatest 2 calypso albums; the greatest 10 maybe. The Mighty Sparrow's 1969, 1972 and 1973 albums is in my top-ten. My favourite 45 single is Shadow's 1974, "Bassman" & "I come out to play"

    I do not know if there are typos, I thought Maestro's "Tempo" was released later than 1974 and the 1976 Road March was Lord Kitchener's "Flag Woman" 

  • Ras Shorty I's albums on the list pls.

  • Definitely one of the best calypso albums of all time. However, one would be remiss when talking about the best if one didn't mention Sparrow's 1969 album , " More Sparrow More "

  • Maestro's recordings go back to 1965 with Concert at the hall, which was a critique of the just concluded pan festival of 1964,backed by Great Inventions. there were also Arabian nights and BG crisis of 1964.I count his 1976 album and Kitch's 1967 album as the two greatest calypso albums.He officially entered the tents in1973 wit Black Identity and The Poor man which took him to the Calypso King finals. Tempo came in 1974 which brought him into the spotlight. That same year, at Kitch's Revue Tent at the Princes Building, he "put down the first of his "trilogy" Mr. Trinidad. The other two were To Sir with love the following year and We fooling.of 1977.

    Teddy Pinheiro

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