Merchant's "Pan in Danger" by Tokyo. Arranged by Bradley

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Panorama Finals 1985 Calypsonian Merchant's "Pan in Danger" by Tokyo, arranged by Clive Bradley

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  • Yes it will definitely be wonderful to hear Tokyo sounding like this again

  • Bradley's arrangement of Merchant's "Pan in Danger" , as performed by Tokyo at Panorama Finals 1985.

  • Another GEM......CLASSIC.......a GREAT PIECE to add to the BRADOS LEGACY.........we must never forget PAN D......NUTONES  and the BIGGEST and GREATEST    DESPERADOES......DESPERS this was pure emotion by BRADOS.......Is Pan in Danger? for me NO  WHAT YOU SAY
  • I was fortunate to be one of those players on stage that night . I enjoyed every bit of it. Thank Glenroy.
  • I would really appreciate hearing Tokyo sound like this again
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