Mighty Jamma Steelpan music lounge

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Don't forget to subscribe!!!Mighty Jamma Steelpan music lounge great music to keep you smiling.Calypso, Reggae,Jazz, Ballads, RMB,Salsa and lots more played on Steelpans by a champion!regular updates. Coming soon.The lounge will consist of many live performance by UK'S NO 1 Steelpan Soloist Champion "The Mighty Jamma" performing renditions of tracks from his many albums.The Steelpan is a beautiful creation originated in Trinidad &Tobago in the late 1930’sThe Steelpan is the only family of acoustic instruments invented in the 20’s century, and has continued to evolve up to date.When played by a professional it transports your mind, body and soul into many moods, covering many emotions.looking forward to greeting you in the music lounge to share some great Music Sounds and VibesKeep tuned coming soon.The Mighty Jamma Steelpan Music lounge

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