Mighty Sparrow- " Race Track Scandal "

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Some crooked business at the local race track requires sorting out.Sparrow wanting a refund, takes matters into his own hands (around the neck of the Secretary) who he tells us ends up "High High High"!This is a fine example of Sparrow's swinging, storytelling style that he featured early in his career.

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  • Thank you so very much Glenroy and salutations to you for such a quick response. This is an excellent calypso by Sparrow. When I first heard this calypso I laughed my head off. Was this calypso included on any one of Sparrow's millenium CDs?. I believe that I have most of the millenium CDs. Keep up the excellent work you are doing for WST.

  • Yes Glenroy, that's unique "Birdie" indeed. I did not realise this 1958 track existed on a 45. Same tune is also featured on the LP:  "Royalties Of Calypso Kingdom" (VitadiscTC/L 61) as Race Track.


    This one was a request of Albert John Simon.

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