Mighty Spoiler "Father Christmas"

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One of our childhood Christmas favorites was from the legendary calypsonian The Mighty spoiler.Here is The Mighty Spoiler's tale of receiving unwanted Christmas gifts from Father Christmas (Santa Clause).Here's hoping we all have a happier Christmas morning than Spoiler did on this occasion!

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  • I hope that Fadder Christmas has left you Happy and that 2012 would be a Blessed year for all of us .

  • Ian ; I believe it was in the late 50s' . I  would say about 1958 .

  • One of my favorites too along with Nap Hepburn's "Listen Mama" and Sparrow's "No place like home"

  • I knew how old I was when I first heard this on reddifusion by Spoiler.

    Any takers as to what year this was released? (lol) and a Merry Xmas and happy MMXII  to you all. 

  • Mr Joseph,

    You are de Boss, of Pan and Kaiso! Spoiler is my favourite Calypsonian, with Bedbug, and the other one, " Blind man say is my own, ah see it, etc"....if you have those, please post! Keep up the good work, and a Happy Festive Season to you

  • '''Happy Holidays''' also to the whole Steel Pan Community. Continue to support our Steelband thing.This is a special gift that our Creator Almighty God has given us. Lets hope that the New Year bring some positive change! '''Give Thanks.''''

  •    '''Merry Christmas to you any your entire family. Peace- Love - Health and Blessings to you my Friend and may the New Year bring you all your wishes'''

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