Mighty Striker "Ban the Hula Hoop" - Calypso Monarch 1959

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Percy Oblington, The Mighty Striker(April 1930 - February 2011) was the first calypsonian to win consecutive calypso crowns (1958,1959) and the first to win with the two song format.A popular singer in the tents during the fifties and sixties, he was also an accomplished musician, who played the guitar and saxophone and wrote his own music.Striker died on february 12th, 2011.Here is one of his winning selections from 1959, "Ban The Hula Hoop"

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  • Thanks for posting this gem...

  • Thanks Glen for posting this. Striker, a true calypsonian... though many of his songs were not recorded, was featured in the documentary movie" Calypso Dreams. His 1958 calypso crown renditions of "Don't blame the PNM" and "No job suit Stirker" are difficult to locate...

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