Mistah Shak- Pretender's Reminder(recorded version)

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Mistah Shak, with another of HIS COMPOSITIONS, highlighting the advice of a late, great kaiso stalwart, to address another controversial, concerning, but sti...

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  • @ Errol Cedric Lewis. Comprehension is certainly a more challenging prospect for some, & whether for convenience or having genuinely missed the REAL point blindly, you certainly fall into that category with your long-winded contribution, which really does nothing but to imply incorrectly, the real underlying gist & idea of my song. However I'm sure for as many people as yourself who would miss it, twice as many, would more than likely get it...which whether they agree or disagree, which is everyone's entitlement to so do, forming that position after gleaning the real essence of the lyrics, rather than on misinterpreted, misguided ones, as you seemed to have done based on the points you have made, is what's important. So I can only hope that at some point you & others like yourself, would take the opportunity to REALLY LISTEN to & examine every lyric & idea TRULY contained in this song, & THEN perhaps, more intelligent & relevant discourse can be had. A blessed day to you, good sir.   

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