"Moon River" Pan Am North Stars Steel Orchestra(1962)

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The top steelbands of the nineteen sixties were also excellent dance bands.From their Album "Pan Am North Stars" (1962) the band performs a beautiful ,slow dance version of the Johnny Mercer/Henry Mancini composition "Moon River" .This Academy award winning song was featured in the 1961 movie "Breakfast at Tiffany's"(Audrey Hepburn)

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  • This is a "Master-piece". It is also one of my favorite tunes. Reminds me of great times in the past.Keep it coming.

  • You are so right, Mrs P.!  the tune sends you in a whirl,  and Panam was hot those days and played sweet. Bet if you play this to all ages now, they hit the floor!

  • Ahhh -- sweet, romantic steel band dance music.  This so reminds me of the good old days when we could talk endearingly to our partner/lover while dancing. Even if you could not dance, you could sway and enjoy.  Moon River was one of my favorite songs. Thanks for the memories. 

  • This is one for the books .Lets keep it real loving it.

  • Great stuff. Bands today, have lost that touch. This is real music. They do not play music like this anymore, only (like the Mighty Squibby sang many years ago,) a whole lot of "brim-bram."

  • During the first few bars of this track, the guys grouped together chit-chatting over drinks would suddenly "bee-line" to the females.

    I, smiling, would say, "May I have the honor of this dance?".

    Her warmth, her fragrance (April In Paris?).......

    The track ends, but you hesitate a bit for DJ to encore....

    Now Glen, after the "cheek-to-cheek" you escort the lady back to her seat and thank her.

    Why do Men (we good Gentlemen) have to get old?

  • Thanks again Glenroy for the fond memory brother.

  • very beautiful music, my kinda music


  • Mr Anthony Williams and the legendary Pan am North Stars......still the best ever.....way ahead of their time.....
  • Sweet music to ear
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