New York Steel Orchestras Panorama 2013: Panyard Recordings by Basement Recordings

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Get your headphones and Just Listen!! Brooklyn, New York, USA - For this year 2013, Basement Recordings captured six of Brooklyn’s finest steel orchestras franchises as part of their annual panyard panorama music recording series. All the orchestras operated at very high level this year and were indeed deserving of having their musical performance captured and preserved for the historical, cultural and community archives. The Basement yard recordings are made with the purpose of allowing the listener to hear and feel the power of the New York steel orchestras, along with the sonic clarity, musical sophistication and the rhythmic complexity and genius of the all-percussive engine room. The recordings were done using Basement’s distinct in-house “box and one” technique. The orchestras recorded this year are Despers USA; Pantonic; CrossFire; D’Radoes; Sonatas and CASYM, the eventual 2013 Panorama champion. read more

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