North Stand vs Greens

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North Stand vs Greens - Where is the real Panorama Lime?

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  • How can pantrinbago have a serious pan competition and also have a party next door which would hamper the performers. Do they really care about Pan, or is it the dollars ?. And with all that money that they say that they make from the greens party, why is the building on the highway still looking delapidated. I think it's up to the steelbands to boycut the event.

  • To listen to JW say it so explicitly that the greens is for people, mind you, from T&T, who care nothing about Pan, is a crying shame and then these are the same ones who,outside of T&T would claim that Pan is their culture. People around the world are forever gravitating towards our invention and here you have Trinbagonians not caring whether it lives or dies says a whole lot. Merchant was prophetic with his song," Pan In Danger ".

  • I concur on all 3 counts...
    Greens for big lime integrations
    North Stand for hearing pan with lesser lime integrations and a lil more security
    Grand stand for listening to the pans while incorporating your lil small lime
    Grand Stand for me anyday...maximum security...maximum pan
  • When the steelbands start complaining, when the judges start complaining, maybe there is an issue. The only problem I see with the 'greens' is that people are having TOO MUCH of a good time, and that's not good, ent??

    Find another topic.

  • Yes Bertel it looks like they "beatin' pan again"

  • Poor Pan, yuh getting ah beating from all sides!

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