Ole Time Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago in 1959 - part one

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Part One of Ole Time Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago in 1959 click to see part 2

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  • Peter Gray, this is it:



  • Hi Pan Times:

    Has there been a recent change in WST format?  I find that I am suddenly unable to find the link to the video, Ole Time Carinival in Trinidad and Tobago 1959 Part One.

    Thanks for your feedback.

    Peter (atenergy@hotmail.com)

  • So enjoyable to actually look back...such pageantry.

  • Thanks. That really brought back old times
  • Thanks for the footage a lot of history in there, it was nice.
  • is the footage available for use by historians /documentary persons [p.s I am a Trinidadian not foreigner] and if so what are the conditions, is all footage cc. This material has value as part of the psyche of trinidadians and needs to be seen as such.
  • Thanks for the footage. It is a pleasure to capture the old time carnival which reflects the freedom. The freedom we Trinididians and Tobagoians took so granted now a days. We must not forget our yesterdays, because our yesterdays brought us to our present day. Therefore, reflecting from this film be reminded the present and future should be embraced with love peace, happiness, and respect for one one another.

  • THANX FOR THESE OLD VIDEO'S / I love it !!
  • This is very nice. As a adult now, I can vaguely remember how our carnival used to be. This is very nostalgic and makes me think about the great golden days of the past. We has since evolved to a much higher level of mas and pan, and only the future knows how far we could still reach. Thanks for sharing.
  • I say we bring back the real carnival, ole time carnival. I am tired of these nothing there, all the same, skimpy bikinis that try to pass for costumes. We are losing the real art of carnival.
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