One for "Boogsie" by Frankie McIntosh

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There is nothing like when greatness honors greatness. And here we have two of the Caribbean giants connected through song - Len "Boogsie" Sharpe and Here is a preview of the upcoming Garvin Blake and Frankie McIntosh CD. The song is called “One for “Boogsie”” composed by the great Frankie McIntosh with standout panist Garvin Blake. It is the opinion of When Steel Talks that this composition is destined to becoming one of the all-time music standards.Frankie...

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  • Very nice, beautiful music. Need more of this.

  • Exquisite on every level. Thanks.

  • What a beautiful arrangement of that tune . Thanks to Frankie and Garvin .

  • NICE,NICE.Thanks Frankie and Garvin. GOOD listening.

  • I first saw a teenager playing with Brooklynaires in Brooklyn in 1977, and I said to him, I enjoy your playing.

    Four years later I went to NY for Labour Day and I saw this young man playing with Metro Steel. This time I got to know his name who is non other than Mr. Gavin Blake. Gavin is the first pannist to arrange his own composition that was played at Brooklyn's Panorama. "Pan Romance" was performed for Metropolitan Steel Ensemble in 1991. The following year Metro Steel went back to its original name Despers USA and they placed 2nd to Clive Bradley with Gavin Blake's arrangement of "Music is meh weakness"

    Good going Gavin and thanks for supporting my books.

    Love Peace and Pan.

  • Gavin Blake back any new release on the horizon 

  • Nice
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