Our Model Nation - Mighty Sparrow(1962)

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By far the best calypso celebrating Trinidad and Tobago's Independence in 1962 was Sparrow's "Our Model Nation".This tune reflected the hopeful optimism of that time, and should have taken the first Independence calypso title.To celebrate Trinidad and Tobago Independence 2011, here is The Mighty Sparrow and "Our Model Nation"To all Trinbagonians out there, Happy Independence Day!

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  • Time to knight the man not for that one alone before he leaves us.This is my affirmative vote with all the confidence I could ever have, Live long Birdie. Always a heavy roller in we book. I'm gone.
  • It is nostalgic, listening to this song at 6.00 am on 31st August 2011.
  • Glenroy, happy Independence Day to you. And thanks for the memories and great music you stir in the hearts of "ole geezers" like me!
  • Well said, Raffique Shah. It could not have been put any better!
  • Happy Independence Day tomorrow to Triniland.......x
  • when sparrow is played..its like being home and listening to RAdio Guardian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!x


  • How well I remember competition night 1962. I was a 16 year-old "college boy", tuned in to the radio, taking in every song. Sparrow was, of course, king. But Brynner's racy  kaiso really sounded great. So when the judges gave him (Brynner) the crown, I felt they were right. I also agreed with Nap Hepburn placing 3rd.

    Later, however, as the songs grew on me, I realised Sparrow's "Model Nation" was laden with great lyrics, and while not racy, was also melodious. In other words, it was "song fadder"...which is why it has endured. Maybe on the night his tempo was somewhat slow. But in hindsight, I have no doubt who was the real Independence King.

    This in no way shows disrespect to Brynner, who, in my mind, never got the accolades he deserved (Jeezanages, "Rich Man, Poor Man" was a gem!). His sad decline in his latter years, and his early death, all but wiped him off the calypso map. He deserved better.

    Still, Birdie's song was everything we Independence Teens could have asked for. Fond memories to those who were around that memorable night. And to those who weren't, happy Independence Day. We have much to celebrate, but still too much to mourn. Let us, as a people, vow to work towards a 50th anniversary that sees this country the "model nation" that Sparrow's song envisaged.



  • Excellent, Glenroy. Like myself, you are still a true, tru Trini. I play this song every Independence Day. Keep up the good work. Sparrow ran second to the late Lord Brynner in 1962 with this song. 

    Incidentally, I visited my good friend Stan Gittens of JBS Records at his home yesterday and asked whether he knows you. He replied in the affirmative. I advised him that he should sign up as a member of "When Steel Talks" as he will be exposed to lots of useful information.


  • Sparrow's optimistic national vision at the original Independence celebrations has taken a beating,  and has faded somewhat, but this is still a great calypso.

    Happy T&T Independence, everyone!

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